Authority Bias
- social bias
- cognitive bias
- behavior
Authority Bias is the tendency to give greater value to the opinion of an authority figure regardless of the actual value of the content and be more influenced by their opinion.
Automation Bias
- behavior
Automation Bias is the tendency to depend too much on automated systems and data and ignoring correct (non-automated) decisions.
Confirmation Bias
- behavior
- cognitive bias
Confirmation Bias is the tendency of the researcher to focus on, remember, and use information that confirms a preconceived belief.
Conservatism Bias
- cognitive bias
- anchoring bias
- behavior
Conservatism Bias is when you do not sufficiently change your belief when presented with new evidence contrary to that belief.
- cognitive bias
- behavior
Declinism is the “Rosy Retrospection” bias. We are biased towards viewing the past positively and the future negatively, regardless whether the past is factually better.
Decoy Effect
- cognitive bias
- behavior
The Decoy Effect causes a customer to change their preference between two options (A & B) when an asymmetric third option (C) is offered. The third option (C) is inferior in all aspects to A but only some to B and better than other aspects in B.
Experimenter’s Bias
- behavior
- cognitive bias
Also referred to as Expectation Bias or Observer-Expectancy Effect.
A subset of Confirmation Bias, Expectation Bias is the tendency for a researcher to mainly use data that matches their expectations for the project and to disregard data that conflicts with their expectations.
Framing Effect
- cognitive bias
- behavior
Framing Effect biases you towards drawing different conclusions from the same information based on how that information is presented. Specifically if the information is presented positively or negatively.
Functional Fixedness
- anchoring bias
- cognitive bias
- behavior
Functional Fixedness is another type of anchoring bias, it limits a person to only using a tool in a way it is traditionally used.
Irrational Escalation
- cognitive bias
- behavior
Also commonly called Sunk Cost Fallacy by economists. Sunk Cost Fallacy is a logical fallacy when people rationalize increased investment in a decision, based on the amount of prior investment, even if there’s evidence that the decision was wrong.
Observer-Expectancy Effect
- behavior
- cognitive bias
- researcher bias
When a researcher expects a specific outcome, and then subconsciously manipulates the research to get that outcome.
Plan Continuation Bias
- behavior
- logical fallacy
- cognitive bias
Plan Continuation Bias is a logical fallacy where you fail to recognize that a plan is no longer appropriate for a changing situation
Salience Bias
- behavior
- cognitive bias
Salience Bias is the tendency to focus on more prominent or emotionally impactful items and ignore less striking items.
Scope Insensitivity
- cognitive bias
- behavior
Scope Neglect is the failure to value a problem proportionally to the size of the problem.
System Justification
- behavior
- cognitive bias
System Justification is the tendency to support and reinforce the status quo even at the expense of individual or collective benefit.